Community Workshops

The counselors are very experienced in leading workshops and seminars on many topics of importance to individuals, couples and families. Group events are useful to learn new information or aspects of situations that haven’t been considered before. Each workshop will explain and teach strategies to begin changing habits related to the specific topic so at to provide some practical benefit to the attendees.

These workshops are available to the public and are offered to the community at convenient locations for minimal expense to attendees. The goal of each of these presentations is to provide relevant information and practical skills so participants are equipped to make positive changes in their lives.

Some workshops that the counselors offer are Women in the Workplace, How to Discover Your Destiny/Purpose, Assertiveness Training, Marriage Enrichment, Parenting Skills in the 21st Century, Healthy Spiritual Life, Anger Management, Living with a Chronic Disease, Improving your Sleep and Suicide Prevention. There are many other topics that they can present on and/or develop, if requested. They are available for workplace talks as well on relevant topics for the specific job site.